Here We Go!
Well...we survived our first week of school! I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each of your children. They are a delight to teach. My goal this coming week is to get the children into their normal school and homework routines. The assignment notebook will help you understand what is coming home.Each week I will try to let you know what is coming up in each subject.
Spelling: On Fridays the Spelling packet for the next week will be ripped out and stapled. It will always be due the following Friday. This is not assigned homework for the weekend. However, if you find that your family is really busy with sporting events during the week, your child can get a head start for the week over the weekend. In addition to the packet, every Spelling word is to be written three times each on control-lined paper. I already showed the class how to head their papers and the format for writing their words. Words 3X each will always be due on Thursdays. Lastly, we will have Spelling Pre-tests on Wednesdays and a Final Test on Fridays. If your child aces the test on Wednesday, he or she does not need to take the test on Fridays.
Reading: This week we will be reading a story called "Grandfather's Journey". Part of your child's homework is to read the story to an adult. As a parent myself, I would recommend that you read a paragraph or page to model and your child read the next page or paragraph. This helps move things along a bit more quickly. Also, to encourage good reading comprehension and writing complete sentences, every Monday story questions will be sent home. These are due by Friday every week. Please help your child with time management. There will always be five questions. It really helps to break it up by doing one or two questions a night.
Language: We will be reviewing the four types of sentences and how to punctuate them correctly. I will also be introducing the 6+1 Traits of Writing beginning with the trait of ideas.
Math: We started our new Math series last week. We worked on months, years, calendars, and counting patterns. This week our lesson will focus on reading a clock to the nearest five minutes, reading a thermometer, telling time to the nearest quarter and half hour, and working on basic addition and subtraction. What a busy week!
Please practice basic addition and subtraction facts at home for speed and accuracy. I recommend the website On the left hand side click "math worksheets". From there you can print specific worksheets to use as timed tests at home.
Science: I am very excited to teach Science this year. There will be some changes to my curriculum as the Indiana Science Standards have changed. We are going to begin the year with learning about the science process.
Mark your calendars!!!!! The date for our Owl Prowl is October 18th at St. Pat's Park. I will talk more about this at Back to School Night.
Back to School Night: I am looking forward to seeing many of you Tuesday evening for Back to School Night.
Happy Birthday Alexis!!!
On Friday Alexis celebrated her birthday. Even Fr. John joined us in wishing her a very happy birthday.