Dear Parents,
Welcome to third grade! I am looking forward to working with each and every one of your children this year. It will be a pleasure to get to know both of you. Throughout the year I will be posting important third grade happenings like assignments, any upcoming projects, or events on a weekly to biweekly basis. I hope that it will be informative to you.
Third grade is an exciting and busy year. On the first day of school I will be sending home some important information papers. Please look for them.
Always feel free to contact me anytime through my school voicemail (272-3922 ext. 124) or you can email me at I do make every attempt to check my voicemail in the evening. Please bear with me through the month of September. I will be checking assignment notebooks every morning. Please check these on a nightly basis and sign them if all work has been completed. The assignment notebook is a good place to jot me a note too.
Here are a few items I'd like to let you know about before school begins:
- Pencils: If you are able to sharpen a pencil or two at home before the first day of school it would be a really big help. The pencil sharpener gets overheated the first day when every one is trying to sharpen two pencils. Thank a bunch!
- Snacks: I do not provide snacks for the children at morning recess. Please send a healthy snack with your child every day.
- P.E.: Our P.E. days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Send gym clothes either on the first day of school or for Thursday.
- Pink Eraser: I can't remember if I added a pink eraser to the school supply list. If I did not, please pick on up when it is convenient for you.
- Scholastic Book Clubs: I will be sending home Scholastic Book Club order forms on a monthly basis. Ordering from the book clubs has become quite easy. After browsing through the flyers, you can either send in the form to me with a check made out to Scholastic Book Club or you can place your child's order online and pay with a credit card. The order will still be delivered to school for me to pass out to your child. It is very simple to do. You will need to go to Scholastic's website, On the first day of school I will send home our class name and password to access the ordering page. I hope you will find this helpful.
Prayer Before the First Day of School
Loving Father,
we aren't sure
because tomorrow
is the first day of school.
Some kids like school;
some kids don't.
some day we like school;
some days we don't.
There's a strange feeling
because we don't know
what's coming.
We give you this feeling, Father,
and this year of school.
Please be with us
so we'll look for what's good
in each day
and then do our very best.
Enjoy these last day of vacation, and I will see you soon!