Fall is here! I think it is my favorite season of the year, next to summer. The weather is cooler, and the trees are popping with color.
Here is an update for the week:
Reading: We will be finishing up our reading unit test this week. Look for it to come home next week. The story for we will be reading is called "City Green". It teaches a great lesson on how we can take better care of the earth.
Language: The class will be learning their first grammar song about nouns. It is a catchy tune that you can't quite get out of your head. However, it does help the kids learn what a noun is and to identify them in sentences. I also will be showing them the old Schoolhouse Rock video on nouns that I used to watch as a kid. It's an oldie, but a goody!
Math: This week in Math we will be learning how to add and subtract with money, continue working on subtracting three digit numbers, and column addition.
HELP!!!! As we are doing our math lessons involving two and three digit addition and subtraction, I am noticing that my class is quite slow in knowing their basic math facts. By this point of third grade it is absolutely necessary that they have all facts memorized for speed and accuracy. Please help with this at home. It can be as simple as drilling flash cards for five minutes every night. Another option is to go to www.superkids.com to make your own timed tests to do at home. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Science: We are continuing to work on the Scientific Methods. This past week we learned how to make a survey. Each third grade homeroom created a "Recycling Survey". A couple of moms graciously typed them for us, I copied them, and each child received ten surveys to have completed. This week I am going to break each class into groups to tally the data, and then the groups are going to create bar graphs. It is going to be an exciting and busy week!
F.Y.I.: I just wanted to give you a heads up that I will not be in the classroom next Monday (10/3) or Tuesday (10/4). As I told you at Back to School Night I am the School Improvement Chair for our school. I will be attending a conference to gain ideas to help our school improvement at Christ the King. It is a great time to get connected with educators from all over Indiana.
Owl Prowl: Thank you for responding to the Owl Prowl. If you would like to make a donation to Mr. Glassman to cover the cost of the hot dogs and to give him a monetary donation for his time, please send it in with your child in an envelope marked "Owl Prowl". The week before the prowl, I will be sending reminders home if you signed up to bring any food or drink items. Don't forget it is on Tuesday, October 18th. Start praying for good weather.
Happy Birthday Tea and Anna!!!!!! This past week 3N helped both of them celebrate their birthdays.
Thank you to my entire 3rd grade class and my room moms for making my birthday last week so special. We were treated to yummy tea cookies and muffins. The class also gave me a beautiful yellow mum. I already potted it and placed it in front of my house. I just love it!!!!