With that in mind, here a run-down of short and long term assignments that you should be aware of for this month.
Spelling: The children ripped out the next Spelling packet for "The Little Painter of Sabana Grande". We will not be having a Spelling test this week. However, the packet and words three times each will be due next week. Words three times each will need to be in the tray by Thursday, November 18th and the packet will need be totally completed by Friday, November 18th.
Reading: As I stated above, we will not be reading a story this week, thus no story questions as well. In place of a story we will be focusing on certain reading skills that need further developing and taking a reading unit test.
Language: This week we are going to be spending a great deal of time working on our personal narratives. The children are each to write about a family vacation he/she has been on. It could simply be a special day trip your family has taken. Last week I brought in pictures of my family trip to King's Island and showed them to the class using my brand new Elmo. I explained to class that pictures really help develop details in their stories. With your help I would like you to send in some pictures with your child to use while he/she is writing. I promise your child will bring them home when finished. If you are not comfortable sending in actual pictures, you can copy and paste them into a word document as a collage. I can't wait to see every child's finished product!
Math: We finished up the last lesson of number sentences and expressions in Chapter 4 on Thursday. I am planning on a test on Tuesday. I would highly recommend that your child bring home the hard math textbook on Monday to review for the test. Go to page 83, which is the review page. Questions 19 and 20 are predict and test problems. These would be really good practice.
This week will be moving right on to Chapter 5 subtraction. Subtraction skills are weak in my class. I am still seeing a lot of counting on fingers or children slow to get the answer. Please get out those flash cards or go to www.superkids.com to create your own timed tests for practice.
November Book Report!!!
Last Thursday, I gave each child a zip lock baggie containing the directions and the materials needed to use on this month's book report. If you have not seen it yet, please ask your child about it. The children only need to read two books total for Book-It this month. The book report is to be on a non-fiction book. A biography cannot be used for this project. See the direction sheet for complete details, but the project is to create a photo album about the book your child has read. Since I am expecting only two books total this month, I am expecting more time to be spent on the project itself. I am looking for creativity this month.
Last week Christin celebrated her birthday. Happy birthday Christin!!!
Also, happy birthday to Luke who celebrated his birthday on Friday!
Have a great week!!!!