Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lent: A Time for Change

I guess it is time to finally say thank you to all of you for my beautiful clock. It is absolutely perfect on the wall at the front of the room. I have no excuse to be late anywhere now.

Time seems to be the theme of my latest blog entry. With Lent being a great opportunity to grow and change through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, the children will have four chances each week to perform good deeds. In class, each child made a cross with six doors representing each week of Lent. Each week I am hoping to post the "good deeds" on my blog.

The deeds for week 1 are:
  • Pray for your family.
  • Make someone else's bed.
  • Give your dessert or candy away.
  • Pick up trash on the playground or do an extra chore at home.
Where is the year going? We completed our first round of ISTEP+ and are preparing for the second round at the end of April. The pace in Math will be picking up so the children can be prepared as much as possible for the testing. Please encourage your child to practice those multiplication facts for mastery and speed.

Thank you for your continued support this school year. Your children truly are a joy to teach!!